Architectural & Interior Design
United Kingdom

Trimline – Cruise Ship Interior Refit / Cruise Ship Outfitting

Cruise Ship Interior Refit Cruise Ship Outfitting

Trimline Ltd – Cruise Ship Interior Refit / Cruise Ship Outfitting

At Trimline our purpose is to create world class marine interiors using innovative approaches combined with traditional principles. We are the longest established Cruise Ship Interior Refit company in the industry with over 50 years’ experience, earning us the respect of many trusted partners and loyal customers.

Everything we do we deliver on time and on budget. Whether you are in need of a full turnkey refurbishment or ongoing maintenance of your fleet, Trimline gets it right every time. Contact us for cruise ship interior refit

Cruise Ship Interior Refit – Refurbishments

We are committed to providing our customers with a superior level of service for the duration of all of our projects. No cruise ship interior refit is too large for us, and we can deliver everything from galley and laundry solutions to electrical installations.

We also offer In-Service Support, as well as full cruise refit services. Whatever your requirements, we are with you for the journey and beyond.

As part of Trimline’s continuous improvement, the world-class cruise ship interior refit has been looking at state-of-the-art manufacturing systems which give a broader range of capabilities.

To that end, they have been working with leading spray booth & paint finishing manufacturer Junair to install an ‘energy efficient paint spraying solution’ which uses an advanced auxiliary air movement system and more efficient filters to allow cleaner air back in to the environment.

Cruise Ship Outfitting – In-Service Support

We identify, plan and deliver cruise ship outfitting and maintenance solutions for all ships. Whether at sea or in port, we are ready to jump onboard to find improvement opportunities and cost savings for the customer across all areas of a cruise ship.

Cruise Ship Outfitting – Design

Our in-house team of CAD Designers and Cruise Ship Outfitting Specialists can provide a full design package, or work alongside the customer’s designer to bring plans and ideas to life.

Cruise Ship Interior Refit – About us

With strong British values at the heart of everything we do, and with our unparalleled knowledge and experience of providing Cruise Ship Interior Refit and Cruise Ship Outfitting, we guarantee you a first class finish with service to match.




Cruise Ship Interior Refit Cruise Ship Outfitting

Michael Oliver – Chairman – Trimline Ltd

Expert in Cruise Ship Interiors / Cruise Ship Outfitting

Along with my brother Gary, I am Co-Chairman of global cruise ship interiors specialists Trimline.

I have over 40 years experience in the industry. During my training on the Trimline shop floor I experienced many cruise and ferry refits. At the age of 21, I became Assistant Production Manager and over the next ten years became Production Manager, Contract Manager and Operations Director.

At the age of 32, I became Sales and Marketing Director, the side of the business I’d always wanted to take responsibility for managing and directing.

In 1990, I took on a more Executive role, helping with the overall running of the business, and more recently became Co-Chairman.

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